Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Site Keywords

First Title Header 1

Description: Looking for answers? Talk to your drinking water.  Your drinking water is trying to tell you something. Water has been proven to be a liquid computer and you probably didn’t know its listening.

Meta keyword one time. Paragraph’s in bold are in the video. Title, Page Title,

Keyword Page Guide Header 2

  • <ul><li><a href=”#ca7″ target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener” aria-label=” (opens in a new tab)”>You Will Receive</a></li></ul>
  • Goes Before Landing
  • <a id=”ca7″></a>
  • link keywords
  • 1st 60 seconds make my life better, easier
  • solve problem quickly, safely, better and more conveniently than anything else.

150 Words Header 3

  • All headers are bold.
  • Specific case studies, images, research, charts or other information that can add credibility to your post.
  • Start a description with learn, read, discover

150 Words Header 4

150 Words Header 5
  • Insights from industry leaders in your niche
  • Examples that illustrate the concept you’re talking about (where applicable).
  • Amazon link
Ending Description Header 6

iNSERT Youtube Free

Looking for a Spirit Guide that gives accurate readings? Look no further than Clairaudient Spirit Fairie. Born to speak with spirit and Angels! Click here for a reading.





All About Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui? All About Feng Shui Harmony in Design Explore the principles of Feng Shui and how they create harmony and balance in you...