Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Persian Love Spell IAM Your Love

For men, and women, be irresistible, enhance intimate vitality.  Persian spells really work and have been around for over 1400 years.  It will work for you.

This “IAM Your Love” Persian Love Spell is an ancient spell. Ancient spells on this site are taken from the gbooks of Solomon, moses, and other sacred texts.

We strongly advise each reader to at least try this IAM Your Love spell, even if you feel it is not the right one for you.  You may be very surprised at the end result.

As you recite the love spell imagine you are already with your love. Speaking, touching and loving them as though it is real. Smell and touch him/her. Offer your love a piece of Persian love cake, by putting it on your alter. Imagine you are feeding the cake to your lover in happiness and celebration after the ritual. Occultists use spells all the time.  Now you can use them with same effect.

About the Love Spell

This IAM Your Love spell from Persia should be used when you want to be irresistible.  This spell is in its original form.  The originality and the power of this spell has been maintained.  It is a spell to enhance intimate vitality between two people.   

Persian spells are very powerful, and;

  • This spell has been used from generation to generation for over 1400 years.
  • The Persians pride themselves in using spells, and say that because of spells they have never been conquered by an outside territory.
  • These spells are based on ancient Egyptian/Arabic systems of magic.

Use this Persian Spell with Good and Positive Intent 

The magical healers, and magicians have given strict instructions to use these spells for good works towards mankind. 

Within this spell your dreams and desires may be fulfilled. This spell has been tested, and it works. 

As a potent and effective conjure this spell is linked directly into your energy, and the energy of your lover.

Persian Love Spell

Preparation of the Sacred Space: Before beginning the IAM Your Love spell, ensure the space is cleansed and purified. Place a white altar cloth at the center and arrange sacred symbols, such as flowers or crystals, around the space.

Candle Ritual: Light two candles at the center of the altar, symbolizing the divine masculine and feminine energies that unite in sacred union. As you light each candle, recite the following blessing:

“By the light of this sacred flame, We invoke the blessings of love’s divine name.

May the flame of passion burn bright and true, Guiding our hearts in all that we do.”

“O Beloved, guide my heart In the dance of love’s eternal art. With every breath, I call your name, In every moment, I seek your flame.

Grant me strength to love with grace, To see your beauty in every face. In your embrace, I find my rest, With you, I am forever blessed.

May our souls entwine in sweet embrace, Bound by love’s everlasting grace. In your light, my heart finds its home, Together, forever, we shall roam.”

This prayer reflects the deep longing and devotion often expressed in Persian love poetry, invoking the divine Beloved and seeking union with the beloved soul. It’s a personal expression of love, devotion, and longing for unity with the beloved.

Prayer of Sacred Union

Introduction: This Iam your love spell is an ancient Persian prayer. In the sacred space of love and devotion, the I get to love you invocation is given. In union you gather to invoke the blessings of the divine Beloved and consecrate your union in the timeless dance of love.

Opening Invocation: With reverence in our hearts and a longing for unity, we call upon the divine presence to bless this sacred union and guide us in the path of love.

Declaration of Intent: As we stand before the altar of love, we declare our intent to embark on a journey of mutual respect, trust, and devotion. With every word spoken and every action taken, we honor the sacred bond between us and commit to nurturing it with tenderness and care.

The Prayer:

With hearts open and spirits aligned, we recite the sacred love prayer, invoking the divine.

Bless our union and guide us in the dance of love’s eternal art.

“O Beloved, our hearts dance in love’s eternal art. With every breath, In every moment, I seek your flame.

With strength we love in grace, To see your beauty in every face. In your embrace, I find rest, Together, we are forever blessed.

Our souls entwine in sweet embrace, Bound by love’s everlasting grace. In your light, my heart is at home.  I get to love you forever we are together”

Imagine: You and your love are already together

Symbolic Gesture: As a symbol of our commitment to each other and to the divine union, I get to love you as we exchange tokens of love and gratitude, infusing them with the energy of our intentions and blessings.

Closing Blessing: With hearts overflowing with love and gratitude, I get to love you as we offer our sincerest blessings to each other and to the sacred union we have formed. May the divine Beloved continue to shower us with grace and guide us in the path of love, now and always.

Closing Invocation: With reverence and gratitude, I get to love you, as we thank the divine presence for blessing this sacred union and for the love that binds us together. May our hearts remain forever open to the beauty and wonder of love’s divine essence.

Closing: So mote it be. Amen. Ashe. Aho.


Everyday: write the “Closing blessing”, imaging it happening.

This ritualistic decree is designed to infuse the union with reverence, intention, and sacredness, drawing upon the themes of Persian prayer to create a meaningful and transformative experience.


Recipe for Persian Love Spell Cake

Set your oven to 350 degrees


1/2 cup of butter, 3 tablespoons of oil, 1 cup of sugar, 2 large eggs, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and another 2 teaspoons of rose water, 1 teaspoon of lemon zest, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, 1 and one half cups of all purpose flour, also another 1/2 cup of super find almond flour, 2 teaspoons of cardamom, some salt, and 1 teaspoon of baking powder.


Until light and fluffy mix your butter, oil and eggs and sugar. Then add some lemon zest, vanilla extract and your rose water. After that is nice and creamy. Add your dry ingredients flour, cardamom  etc. Bake for 40 minutes.


Top the cake with glaze of your choice and add crushed pistachios and rose petals.


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How To Create Blog Post

Your Google description snippet goes here. 40-50 words, 300 characters. Keywords that make sense. Written by Karah Wands, Author. Illustrated by GHJR, Price 8.99, Length: 220 pages.

Always add a short numbered synopsis
Example Instructions
1. This is too help you earns a featured snippet. structure this extra snippet in a way that answers every related question in one location.
2. Get related questions from



Create a links menu.

1. Your Keywords

  • Without keywords no one will be able to find your content.
  • Most importantly without keyword research you will not know what people are interested in, or searching for.
  • Your keywords will go into your title, headings, and content.
  • You should have at least one primary keyword phrase, and 4 other keywords that can be mixed and matched or used individually.
  • In total you will have 5 keywords per post.  
  • Your primary keyword phrase will be used in each heading, and in your description.

Use the Google keyword planner

found at

Regarding the Google Keyword Planner. Keywords should be low competition with over 10k searches.

Use TubeBuddy for keywords

Regarding the TubeBuddy Keyword Planner. This planner is very easy and self explanatory. Use the keywords with the highest rank.

Research the competitions keywords on youtube

You want to make sure. The views are higher than the subscribers. You also want to check the click rate (how long the viewer stays on the video).

          1. Make sure you have outgoing links on the page. I try not to put more than one (1) outgoing link per post.
          2. Try to link to your own outgoing link that brings revenue.
          3. Add Amazon links connected to your Amazon account.
          4. Always include an image with your revenue link for those readers who like to see products.

After your content is created use this link to measure your keyword density.  This ensures:

  • You have not keyword stuffed.
  • Also, that you have used the keyword enough times so that you rank well. 
  • And that you are using the correct keyword according to density.

Here is the link:

2. Your Headings

  • Headings are the short description of the content.
  • Heading is like a sign post or street sign. 
  • Your headings will guide the reader.
  • Visually impaired people rely on heading because they are always in “html code”.
  • Heading 1 (H1) is more important than heading 2 (H2).
  • Your H1 can only be used one (1) time on the page. 
  • The H1 is always the post title.
  • Your H2 will be the next heading. I use H2 for my menu title which includes a keyword.
  • Each blog post should have at least 4 H2 headings.
  • The content under the H2 should be at least 100-150 words. This will give your blog post 400-600 words.
  • Sub-headings will H3


H1: Create a Blog

H2: Use These Instructions

H3: Why You Should Use These Instructions

3. Create Page/Meta Description

After you get your keywords go ahead and create your meta description.

  • Your description is the first paragraph of the page.
  • Your Google description snippet goes directly under Heading 1
  • This description will include the primary keyword phrase.
  • The primary keyword phrase is always in the first sentence. 
  • Do not use more than five (5) keywords.  
  • Do not repeat keywords. 
  • Make the description conversational.
  • If it does not sound conversational take out some keywords.
  • This page description is also used as your Meta description. 
  • Most website hosts will allow you to create your own meta.
  • Make this a call to action or a lifestyle enhancement description. There is no other reason to have a description. Other than to get a click which is a call to action. Otherwise, people will skip right over your Google meta description and go to the call to action.
  • Some call to action phrases could be “learn more, get it now, try for free, learn how to use it to your advantage”
  • These descriptions are used to increase your click through rate.
  • Use the description to raise your Google rank.
  • The description must be less than 156 characters.
  • Google is looking for unique descriptions.

My Meta Description titles usually have the primary keyword in UPPER CASE and everything else starts with a Capital. Like this “How to CREATE A BLOG POST”.  Most people don’t do this so my title should stand out allowing for more clicks. Everything you do is meaningful.

4. How to Create Great Titles

A great title will get you more clicks and shares than the other blogs.  Spend time creating your title!

  1. Create headlines or titles using this link.
  2. You are using one keyword for each title. 
  3. And, you should have a total of 4-5 keywords.
  4. Content under every heading should be 100-150 words.

Here are some headline/title resources.

            • Use the aminstitute headline analyzer from Advanced Marketing Institute.
            • Use Co-schedule Analyzer
            • Additional title ideas at

5. Creating a Page Menu

  • Directing viewers to your headings is a great idea. 
  • You have just created your blog post headings.
  • Now use them for your page menu.
  • Links will help your viewers with navigation.  
  • These page menu links will also help readers straight away find what they are interested in.
  • The page menu is created according to your sites linking process.

6. Develop a Content Strategy

Your blog must be:

  1. Keyword focused.
  2. Well written.
  3. Perfect spelling and grammar.
  4. Make sure you use paragraphs, bullet points, and numbers liberally.
  5. The content must be valuable to the reader.
  6. Use tools in the post such as charts and data comparison.
  7. Make sure the post answers the readers questions.
  8. Use a combination of video, written and image content..


It is very important to check your content for plagiarism.

7. Links

Link to other valuable content both internally and externally. Internal and external links help to rank your page on Google.  The allowed amount of links is 100 if they are useful. I try not to put more than one (1) outgoing link per blog post. And, no more than 10 internal links. Using Wikipedia as an example.  They might use up to 400 links on any given page.

          1. Make sure you have outgoing links on the page. Try to link to your own outgoing link that brings revenue.
          2. Add Amazon links connected to your Amazon account.
          3. Always include an image with your revenue link for those readers who like to see products

8. Add a Video to Your Page

Video: Include the videos URL.

    • Make a video for every post.
    • Put the video description here or say ‘under construction’. Include the videos URL.

After Publishing Your Post

        1. Keep your social media rolling. You want to stay on the minds of your viewers.
        2. Make sure you leave reply comments when people comment on your blog post.
        3. Build trust by being consistent. Consistency builds rapport.
        4. People want content.
        5. It is better to post one time per week rather than intermittently.
        6. Use logos and sigils on your work.  Big businesses use logos because they work. Add your logo to your content so people remember your brand.
        7. Keep in mind it takes 5-7 sessions before people remember you.
        8. Try sharing visuals that evoke a lifestyle. Not everything is about selling.

Click here for Content Video

Video Goes Here.

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