Sunday, July 28, 2019

Banishing Prayer for Protection

Daily Prayer for Protection

Banishing Decree


  1. Purpose of the Banishing Decree & Prayer
  2. Video explanation
  3. Daily Prayer for Protection
  4. Purifying vs. Expulsion
  5. Didn’t Work?

This daily prayer for protection is the protection prayer given to me by my spirit guide.   I used this decree to remove spirit entities that refused to leave.  This is a decree prayer. This decree is used to get rid of anything that you do not want to exist in your world.

IAM told to do nothing unless it is done through spirit.

  • This daily prayer for protection helps tap universal consciousness through your personal energy.
  • This is a banishing decree to remove or get rid of all that you do not want in your life.
  • Within this prayer or decree you focus on the results and forget what is trying to zap power from your world.
  • Within this daily prayer and decree you take back your power, and use your energy to control your destiny through the spiritual realms.
  • This prayer uses a form of reverse thinking.  My spirit guide tells me that using reverse thinking helps my subconscious mind complete tasks quickly.

Purpose of the Banishing Decree & Prayer

  1. Banishing spells are spells designed to send something or someone away or to prevent their return.  To banish something means to send it away or drive it away from a location.
  2. In the mundane world banishment implies that whoever is banished can never return or is no longer welcome.
  3. Banishing spells are intended to drive away anything that you feel is a danger or an annoyance; an individual, a hindrance, an obligation, a malady, a fixation, a negative behavior pattern, and so forth.
  4. A banishing might be performed on a home, to drive away undesirable energies, discord, stress, and other bothersome substances, for example, apparition other inconvenient spirits.
  5. A banishing spell might be performed on an individual to exile a fixation, a distress or an impact someone else has over them.
  6. Banishing spells are additionally performed on items to free them of associations with earlier owners or any energies got during their utilization, regularly in anticipation of programming or charging them for another reason.  For example something you may have gotten from a thrift store.

Purifying vs Expulsion

The term purifying alludes to a banishing done to expel undesirable energies from an individual, area or item. The term expulsion is utilized to portray a banishing for an undesirable element, particularly an uncooperative, hostile one.

Everything Has Energy

Remember, that everything has energy. If it has a shadow it has energy. This prayer is for animate or inanimate objects, persons, places or things. Direct your intention to anything you want to banish from your world.

Daily Prayer for Protection

Try it, this prayer decree works!

  1. Draw a Circle of protection around you.
  2. Give this prayer an intention. What do you want this prayer to do for you?
  3. Give thought to the issue. See the problem, as though it is standing in front of you. And, say  –  “This too shall pass”.

Moving in a widdershins/counter clockwise direction (works for me).  However, you should experiment with the direction of the movement. Choose which direction works for you.

  • You are banished!
  • Go away from me now! (call it by name so every spiritual entity listening will know who or what you are talking too).
  • The great universal presence has promised me protection from all that I do not want or need
  • You will now be unable to see me, hear me, smell me, or feel my energy
  • Unless I choose to remove this all protecting circle it is drawn about me forever.
  • It is done, it is done, it is done

At this point the entity should be gone

Reinforcement Prayer for Protection?

If the entity/energy returns or comes back again.  Reinforce your banishing decree and Say without fear:

  1. This is truly done, you (call the problem by name)  are banished.
  2. (call your name) Forget what has been banished.
  3. All things banished have become a zero, nothing, disintegrated.
  4. When it is banished, it is forgotten.
  5. I forget to remember, and I remember to forget (call the problem by name).
  6. Lord and Savior within me remember forever what I choose to forget.
  7. So that, I may forget what I choose to remember. And, remember what I choose to forget whenever I so please.
  8. Forget (call the problem by name) Now!
  9. The creator of all things has given me power to remove all things that are not wanted in my world.
  10. The Lord and savior within me will keep record of all things banished.
  11. I need keep no records.
  12. (call the problem by name) You are hereby banished! Today, now, forever! You have been banished from this place.
  13. Be gone never to return!
  14. It is done!

Unwanted Entity Keeps Coming Back?

Make sure these steps have been taken:

  1. Make sure you have completely put it out of your mind. As though, the problem never existed.
  2. If the problem is speaking to you, with worry. Turn each word it says to the complete parallel. This will zero out everything the entity says. Make sure your words are completely positive. For example the energy says: Tell yourself that you will not win this time. You will respond with. I am a winner with every thought I give myself. And I am thinking 24-7 about how I shall win!
  3. Turn all negativity into its positive polarity.
  4. Someone in the spiritual realm is sending you a test. For example: a co-worker is sending you the energy of failure. Keep repeating the above prayers.
  5. The energy may not believe you. If you are fearful, weak thinking, or an unbeliever in yourself. The energy has more power than you, and will not listen to anything you say. Believe what you say, and mean every word.
  6. Treat all negative energy like it is a human form. Would you allow a stranger to walk up to you and spew negativity? Don’t take that treatment from the spiritual realm either.
  7. Always remember you are The Only Ruler of Your World!

The substance of your life will get richer, the expedience of your life will quicken.  After you have removed all the bigger demons/negatives.  You might be left with some cob webs of negativity still hanging around.  Remove them all the same way with the prayers on this page

Be blessed at all times.

Video Youtube Channel:  Spirit Fairie Youtube

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