Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How to Become Rich

How To Become Rich

Daily Affirmations

Become Wealthy In 9 Minutes A Day And Be Successful!

How to Get Rich grow your wealth like a millionaire. Positive affirmations 9 minute daily affirmations. How to become rich have wealth and prosperity.


Become wealthy in 9 minutes a day and Erase the Blocks to wealth consciousness and Get Your Blessings Back.  This become wealthy page and video will help you get money, GAIN WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS and unblock your prosperity. Wealthy healing light Decree Prayer by Spirit Fairie. Money and wealth unblock your prosperity. Erase the Blocks Get Your Blessings Back.

  • Say the words of the daily affirmations video ‘How to Become Rich’ out loud.

Wondering why you are not receiving prosperity?  It could be because you do not believe you are worthy, or do not believe it possible. The reason why you are not receiving more money in your bank account could also be because some spirit has been sent to keep you from it.  If this is the case is does not necessarily mean someone sent on purpose.  It could have been someone’s random though that stopped your money flow.  Want to know how to get the money flowing again?  Free your mind of all discord, and do away with the negativity surrounding money.  This video will help the cash flow, and bring money back into your life.  Recite everyday for 20-30 days, hear the words echo in your mind as you repeat them, and see a miraculous change take place. UNBLOCK PROSPERITY Prayer and Decree.

Want to know how to get the money flowing again and get rich? Free your mind of all discord, and do away with the negativity surrounding money.

  • Below you will find the instructions follow them until you feel a break through.

Video Transcript

Prayer & How To Become Rich

Become Wealthy in 9 Minutes a Day for Meditation 

Father you are the highest and mightiest god of all  blessed holy and sacred is thy name.  Protect me Most Omnipotent God camp your angels round about me.  At each quarter they shall take their stand.  No evil shall ever be allowed in.  I fear non other than you Father.  Forgive me each transgression committed against you knowingly and unknowingly.  Have mercy on me deliver me safely to your holy kingdom.  Thank you Father for gaining me entry into your kingdom your kingdom is my home and in it I shall be through all eternity.  IAM thankful Father for this reality.  IAM completely safe from any form of retaliations, or evil attacks against me.  IAM thankful Father for every thought and movement that is given to me.  IAM thankful Father for your complete protection over me and my loving family.  IAM free from all harm min any existent or non existent reality.  In the name of thy light which IAM IAM thy kingdom come IAM thy will being done on earth as it is in heaven.  No weapon formed against me shall prosper.  No witchcraft formed against me shall prosper.  No retaliations formed against me shall prosper.  Nothing and no one shall stop me from receiving. IAM receiving every blessing now.  I shall continue to receive throughout eternity.  In the name of thy light which IAM IAM thy kingdom come, IAM  thy will being done on earth as it is in heaven.  IAM victorious over every enemy.  IAM victory overcoming every obstacle trying to hinder me.  IAM thy powerful energy of strength.  IAM a powerful being of light.  IAM more powerful than any earthly energy.  Whatever is bound on earth is bound in heaven.  Whatever is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven.  IAM thy kingdom come.  IAM thy will being don on earth as it is in heaven.  Iam thy powerful energy to drive out, cast out, and bind all demons and spirits of hindrance as it relates to me and my loving family.  In the name of the light which IAM and by the magnetic power of god vested in me.  IAM  the power to bind and cast out all demons, all spirits sent out to hinder my financial provision and prosperity.  In the name of the light which IAM and by the magnetic  power of god vested in me.  I bind and cast out all demons, demonic energies, and spirits sent out to stop the free flow of money and material gain to my accounts, my businesses, and into my hands.  In the name of the light which IAM and by the magnetic power of god vested in me I bind and cast out now all demons, demonic energies, spirits, mindsets of poverty, uncleanliness, and procrastination.  Get out of me now unclean spirits. Your day is done, be dried up and gone forever.  I bind and cast out now all demons, demonic energies, spirits of word cursing, generational poverty, pride, greed, procrastination, strongholds, laziness, lust, uncontrollable spending, debts, and doubt will never make me loose a blessing.  Get out of me now unclean spirits.  Your day is done, be dried up and gone forever.  I bind and cast out now all demons, demonic spirits sent out to distract, hinder, block blind or stop anyone from fulfilling their god given assignment to bring to me or give to me financial blessings, monetary gifts, and new ideas for prosperity.  Get out of them now unclean spirits.  Your day is done, be dried up, and gone forever.  I bind and cast out now all demons, demonic energies, spirits sent out to distract hinder block or stop my success or accomplishments.  get out of me now unclean spirits.  You have no power your day is done.  Leave me now.  Go back to that which sent you.  Go back to your true owner.  Your day is done be dried up and gone forever.  I bind and cast out now all demons demonic energies spirits.  In the mighty powerful names of god the most high.  I decree and declare all prosperous ideas god given opportunities all the blessings in route of delivery to me by my father in heaven shall reach me and I shall joyfully receive greatly.  I bind and cast out now all demons demonic energies spirits of greed that have tried to veil me from the reality of giving.  in the might powerful names of god the most high.  i decree and declare i shall give so that it may be given back to me in abundance.  I shall give so that I may receive shaken together and pouring over.  I shall give and receive abundantly remembering earthly reality is but a dream.  Get out of me now unclean spirits.  IAM completely whole, and healthy.  Leave me now.  Go back to that which sent you.  From this day forward IAM richness, abundance and complete prosperity which I share with all humanity.  I bind and cast out now all demons demonic energies spirits that steal from me.  In the might powerful names of god the most high.  I decree and declare you will not keep my blessings.  Every blessing you have taken from e will be returned. Get out of me now unclean spirits.  Leave me Now, and go back to that which sent  you. Unclean spirits will never be allowed to touch or hinder me.  I am completely protected by heavenly energy.  I bind and cast out now all demons, demonic energies, spirits that would entice a curse, that would keep businesses from blessing me financially, that would keep people from doing business with me.  Get out of them now unclean spirits.  You have no power your day is done be dried up and gone forever.  I declare and decree that all demonic mindsets are renounced and broken now I declare and decree that all poverty, and financial curses are renounced and broken now I declare and decree that all witchcraft spells are renounced and broken now.  I declare and decree that all fear of failure are renounced and broken now I declare and decree that all fear of success are renounced and broken now I declare and decree that  all selfishness and greed is renounced and broken now I declare and decree that my mind shall be regulated my life shall be organized by the holy spirit in me.  IAM now making saving investing and managing money wisely.  I now declare and decree that gods power and anointing of his holy spirit within me has renewed my mind.  The devour is rebuked.  I declare and decree every person, organization, business, and situation assigned to give me monetary funds are now free to do so. I now declare and decree that IAM free to give monetary blessings to those whom IAM directed.  IAM a giver that gives through joy.  IAM also therefore receiving through joy all that I have given shaken together and running over.  Nothing and no one shall stop me from receiving IAM receiving every blessing, I shall continue to receive throughout eternity. I declare and decree that IAM blessed at all times along with my loving family.  Thank you father you will be very pleased.

Prayer Instructions

How to Become Rich and Wealthy in 9 Minutes a Day
  • Repeat the words in the daily prayer video [recite]
  • Hear the words echo in your mind as you repeat them
  • Recite everyday for 20-30 days
  • Recite one (1) time a day
  • Recite with feeling
  • See a miraculous change take place.

Learn How to Become Rich

The Difference Between Rich and Wealthy vs. the poor
    1.  You must set the power of wealth as a part of your inner self vibration.

The vibration of the spoken word once sent out cannot be stopped. Therefore, your spoken word is powerful use it as a blessing. The Father is your great god self within you.

2.  You must concentrate on what you want day and night.

3.  You must pray ‘without ceasing’ as the bible says. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

4.  You must want your desire for the better good of “all”.

5.  Believe that you are worthy.

You want to become wealthy and are wondering why you are not receiving prosperity? It could be because you do not believe you are worthy, or do not believe it’s possible.

6.  Block all negative influences.

The reason why you are not receiving more money in your bank account could also be because some spirit has been sent to keep you from it. If this is the case is does not necessarily mean someone sent the spirit on purpose. It could have been someone’s random thoughts that stopped your money flow (ie. jealousy).

7.  Your spoken word is powerful use it as a blessing. The vibration of the spoken word once sent out cannot be stopped.  The Father is your great god self within you.

  • YouTube Video UNBLOCK PROSPERITY and become wealthy this is a Prayer and Decree by  Clairaudient Psychic Spirit Fairie.


[Daily Decree] How to Get Wealthy in 9 Minutes a Day



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