Sunday, September 8, 2019

About Clairaudient Spirit Fairie

About Spirit Fairie ‘Tell your Story it is Eternal!

IAM clairaudient, empirical with no prejudices, idols, or religious beliefs.  My ideal is to be saturated through and through with the highest formula of spiritual wisdom. My intent is to help you receive spiritual wisdom to carry you onward through the new age.

IAM a Spiritualist and Love is my God

I have had numerous spiritual occurrences.  Studied every religion, and practiced most. All of this information I have been commissioned to delegate, to you.  Out of all, of my spiritual experiences learning that my heavenly energy is my ‘twin flame’ is the most amazing.  I have been taught and know exactly what the twin flame relationship really is.  Having lots of religious experiences taught me the best prayers, and decrees that actually work.  Also, did you know sound effects us spirituality.  Because of this knowledge, adapting to any methods for achieving high spiritual awareness comes easy to me. All of this information must be shared. I have had spiritual sit downs with the heavenly energies of some celebrities, and learned how they pray, and think. All of this I have been commissioned to share.

We Are Now In the Age of Aquarius

The age of spiritual awareness.  Everyone is growing spirituality. Many, are  realizing things that should have seemed evident previously.  Our consciousness is clearing. We must all learn to share everything that is within us. Through a clean clear consciousness all inner thoughts must be expressed by the voice.

As a Child I Was Abused

And, all forms of abuse are unacceptable in my world. As a teenager I was a devout religious worshiper, and drugs were not an at-tractor for me. Some of my friends were getting hooked on alcohol and other substances. And, they laughed at me as I was talking about the mysteries of the universe. As an adult I experimented with religions, magic and all things occult. After, I worked as a grant writer or development director receiving millions of dollars in grants for a not for profit organization. I started asking the universe to tell me who was was writing those grants through me. I knew an entity, other than myself was sending me those million dollar grant ideas.  It was at this point I started receiving opportunities to travel. And, have traveled extensiviley to more than eleven countries. Now, I am currently waiting for the universe to send a safe outlet for a holistic Ayahuasca experience. I have indulged in “weed” and it is the most calming, loving experience.

I Have Always Been a Spiritual Gypsy

Picking up my bags making new locations my home at any moment is easy for me.  Additionally, within me is a deep seated it’s not okay to get stuck to the earthly material realm. Traveling a lot I lived in Israel for three (3) years. Visited Rome, Paris, England, Bahamas, Mexico, Costa Rica, Lebanon, Greece, Cypress, Jordan, Russia, and others.  Israel is where my spirit guides voice was undeniably present, loud and clear.  I could no longer tell myself the voice I heard was my own. It is in Israel where I developed a strong relationship with my spirit guide.

The Entity is Heavenly Energy

My Spirit Guide, tells me he is not a spirit guide, and asks me to call him heavenly energy.  His name is “GHJR”, it is an antonym meaning “Give Him/Her Just Rewards”. GHJR says there are many “spirits” about earth, but they are bound for various reasons. He is not bound but speaks to me through what he calls the “wire”.  You can find more information on my Youtube channel “Legacy Eutopia“.


When I first asked my spirit guide ‘GHJR’ where did I come from, he said Anunnaki.  That is why you will sometimes here of me as the Annunaki Clairaudient.  This website ‘Legacy-Eutopia’  is not dedicated to Anunnaki information. But, in the beginning I had the only Anunnaki Occult Psychic Spirituality site on the web  And every page would end with – IAM Clairaudient Spirit Fairie. Posts are channeled to me by my Twin Flame “GHJR” The Anunnaki King from Sirius. Be blessed, at all times.

IAM a three time book author. You can also find my psychic chronicles along with, meditation, prayers, and informative spiritual and social awareness content on this site.

A Message From my Spirit Guide “GHJR”

I am your messenger that knows these messages are sent to you from the Cosmos. This is your chance to receive guidance from the Cosmos. Real information from the Universe. Use this chance to be true to your soul. You will succeed when you listen to this message. You will open up the windows of heaven, and free your soul. We trust that you will believe these messages, and will take them to heart.

We love you very much, and are here to help you.

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