Saturday, October 12, 2019

When to Drink Water

Learn The Truth About When To Drink Water

When to drink water from a doctor.  Free drinking water regimen for good health is found on this page. Water listens and is trying to tell you something. Water has been proven to be a liquid computer and you probably didn’t know its listening. The water inside your body is listening to your thoughts, and waiting for your command. Tell water what you desire for your body and it will listen.  When taking a closer look at water we learn that it also teaches us how to think clearly.  Consciousness is all around us.  Water is one more way to unlock the power of super consciousness.


A lot of my videos include free visualizations and manifestations that can be found by clicking the link in the description box. Usually a video is created for every page on my website. Most times every written word from the post cannot be included in the video.  There are quite a few bonuses that come with this water series.  I try to give free visualizations, and or decrees/prayers from my personal spiritual guide with every video. So, as promised see the description box and click the links for the free water visualization/meditations direct from my spirit guide. Also, get free daily water regimen, and free apps to keep you on track with your water consumption.

Message from a Doctor About When to Drink Water

This is what a doctor says about when to drink water.

What number of people do you realize state they would prefer not to drink anything before hitting the hay since they’ll need to get up during the night !!  For what reason do individuals need to pee such a great amount at evening time?

Answer from a Cardiovascular Specialist:

  • Gravity holds water in the lower portion of your body when you are upstanding (legs swell).
  • At the point when you rests and the lower body (legs, and so on.) is level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys expel the water since it is simpler.

This at that point connects to the last proclamation !  I realized you need your base water to help flush the poisons out of your body, yet this was a surprising bit of information to me.  Here is the right time to drink water… Important.

From a Cardiovascular Expert !

  • Drinking water at a specific time amplifies its adequacy on the body:
  • 2 glasses of water in the wake of awakening – actuates inside organs
  • 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a supper – helps assimilation
  • 1 glass of water before scrubbing down – enables lower to pulse (who knew ???)
  • 1 glass of water before hitting the sack – keeps away from stroke or respiratory failure (great to know!)
  • What’s more water at sleep time will likewise help counteract evening time leg spasms.
  • Your leg muscles are looking for hydration when they spasm and wake you up with a Corked thigh.

A Cardiologist has expressed that if every individual sends this message to 10 individuals, likely one life could be spared !

I have just common this data. Shouldn’t something be said about you ?

Advance this message. It might spare lives !

“Life is a one time blessing.”

Water is your friend.

Let us remember water is the waterway for life everything being equal, it is feeling, and to me feeling is our own reality on this planet plane. As I figure out how to comprehend the water component of my profound cosmetics I start to comprehend the inconspicuous creation of life. Water is a way to summon the familial and higher energies of decontamination. It is incredible.

We don’t work for the energies but instead with them, in organization – they need us being of substance as much as we need them. This association/organization is harmonious, a concordance of connections the universe of the seen and the concealed in one…

Our greater higher source is always listening, and bringing the best results according to our intent.  Lets all try to add something to the collective pot so that we can have a good discussion leave a comment below and don’t forget to subscribe.  I leave you with my favorite quote from my beloved spirit guide “I don’t care about faces, personalities or clothes I only care about love and soul.” Be blessed at all times.

Drinking Out of Copper

The Truth About Drinking Out of Copper

The best water to drink here are five facts.  Water has been proven to be a liquid computer and you probably didn’t know its listening. The water inside your body is listening to your thoughts, and waiting for your command. Tell water what you desire for your body and it will listen.  When taking a closer look at water we learn that it also teaches us how to think clearly.  Consciousness is all around us.  Water is one more way to unlock the power of super consciousness,


Throughout this water diet series we are going to discuss the following about your drinking water:

Most of my videos include free visualizations and manifestations that can be found by clicking the link in the description box. Usually a video is created for every page on my website. Most times every written word from the post cannot be included in the video.  There are quite a few bonuses that come with this water series.  I try to give free visualizations, and or decrees/prayers from my personal spiritual guide with every video. So, as promised see the description box and click the links for the free water visualization meditations direct from my spirit guide. Also, get free daily water regimen, and free apps to keep you on track with your water consumption.

Drinking Out of Copper

Here are some important facts about drinking from a copper cup.

  • Copper is a natural antimicrobial that will reduce harmful microbes.
  • Also, some benefits of drinking from a copper cup will aid weight loss
  • Reduces the effects of premature aging
  • Reduces arthritic effects
  • Lessons the pain of inflammation
  • In the Ayurvedic tradition there are three energies or Doshas. These Doshas help harmonize your body. Copper helps to balance these Doshas.
  1. Vata (air) – helps the activities of the muscles, nerves, organs, and thought. Also, controls body cells and fluids.
  2. Pitta (fire and water) – helps the activities of the lower extremities including the intestines.  Also, controls areas between the heart and umbilicus including the digestive system and stomach. located in the spleen, liver and gallbladder.This energy is intelligent and content with a great memory. Also, controls the complexion and temperature of the body.
  3. Kapha (earth) – controls joint, lungs and heart lubrication.  Located in the head, tongue. This energy is calm, stable and happy.
Copper cup health benefits
  • Copper drinking vessels neutralize electromagnetic energy.
  • Trace mineral copper is essential to our vital health.
  • Copper saves and absorbs magnetic waves.
  • Copper is an essential nutrient for the body.
  • Formations of red blood cells are enabled by copper, and contribute to iron absorption.
  • Copper cup health benefits include the maintenance of healthy bones, blood vessels, nerves, and immune function.

Additionally, we are aware that keeping water in a plastic container is not a good idea.  Drinking out of Copper helps neutralize toxins.  Keeping your drinking water in copper vessel allows your water to keep its natural properties.

Our bodies are electromagnetic. Copper is used for radio frequency shielding because it absorbs radio and electromagnetic waves.  Most importantly, speak to your drinking water while in a copper vessel. The water inside your body is listening, and will attract what you want.

Importantly, the spoken word is made of magnetic waves. A copper drinking bottle keeps your infused  energy of the spoken word. Drinking out of copper also protects that energy from radiation and other blockers.

We all have magnetic energy within our bodies. Prana Shakti is electromagnetic energy in your body.

  • Prana means:  Life force
  • Shakti is:  Power or energy

Prana Shakti is a Sanskrit name.

A reminder that water listens to us, and simplicity brings answers. Much like water we must flow, ebb and bend with the earth to make spiritual changes.    I hope this information helped someone.  Talk to your water, and drink your water from a copper vessel. Be blessed at all times.

Our greater higher source is always listening, and bringing the best results according to our intent.  Lets all try to add something to the collective pot so that we can have a good discussion leave a comment below and don’t forget to subscribe.  I leave you with my favorite quote from my beloved spirit guide “I don’t care about faces, personalities or clothes I only care about love and soul.” Be blessed at all times.

Best Water To Drink

Five Facts About Best Water To Drink.

The best water to drink here are five facts.  Water has been proven to be a liquid computer and you probably didn’t know its listening. The water inside your body is listening to your thoughts, and waiting for your command. Tell water what you desire for your body and it will listen.  When taking a closer look at water we learn that it also teaches us how to think clearly.  Consciousness is all around us.  Water is one more way to unlock the power of super consciousness,


Throughout this water diet series we are going to discuss the following about your drinking water:

Hey, we could not go over everything in one sitting so this is a series on water.   At the end of the series, you receive a free bonus visualization to help with water manifestation, free drinking water regimen.

Best Water to Drink

Distilled water is the best water to drink? Because, of the pollution, radiation, and chemicals in the air.  And, your own personal water distiller is the easiest way to achieve pure distilled water.  It has been said, that although store claims their water is distilled, it is not!  Now for 3 years have been drinking distilled, after drinking spring water prior.  Also, do not trust the chemicals in the sky, or the ground. The minerals that are missed from the earth by drinking distilled water, may and can come from other sources.

Drinking water filtration system

Distilled water is the closest you can get to true purified water.  This drinking water filtration system happens through a distilling process, much like precipitation. When you look into the distilling tank after your drinking water filtration system or distiller has cleaned it, you will see a lot of stuff you never expected. The tank will show you how much gook is in the tap water, or the spring water.  Heck, it will show you all gook in any water before it was distilled. The water filter distilling process uses the same condensation effect as raindrops.

In addition, two (2) years ago I became a vegetarian. Universal energy sent a stranger in the grocery store to discuss eating meat. A conversation I will never forget. Her meat story stopped a meat lover. And that is another video found on this channel.

Purifying the water within our bodies is easy, simple, natural, and essential.  It is not always possible to purify everything within us. We do not have control over most of what is sold in our stores.  Soon, Walmart and other large conglomerates such as Monsanto will be making all of our food choice decisions.  In addition, the seedlings are disappearing because a Monsanto and two other conglomerates own 50% of all the seeds on the planet. You have probably noticed much of the fruit you buy in your stores are missing the seeds. The seeds are missing because those conglomerates do not want you to have the natural seeds that they own.

However, our greater higher source is always listening, and bringing the best results according to our intent.  Lets all try to add something to the collective pot so that we can have a good discussion.  I leave you with my favorite quote from my beloved spirit guide “I don’t care about faces, personalities or clothes only the loving soul is real.” Be blessed at all times.

A reminder that water listens to us, and simplicity brings answers. Much like water we must flow, ebb and bend with the earth to make spiritual changes.    I hope this information helped someone.  Talk to your water, and drink your water from a copper vessel. Be blessed at all times.

HOME: Water Series

Ways Drinking Water To Lose Weight

Drinking Water to Lose Weight

Drinking Water To Lose Weight and the water diet Can Improve Your Health. At some point, we have all over indulged with foods. The water you drink is trying to tell you something. Water has been proven to be a liquid computer and you probably didn’t know its listening. The water inside your body is listening to your thoughts, and waiting for your command. Tell water what you desire for your body and it will listen.  When taking a closer look at water we learn that it also teaches us how to think clearly.  Consciousness is all around us.  Water is one more way to unlock the power of super consciousness,


Throughout this water diet series we are going to discuss the following about the water you drink:

Hey, we could not go over everything in one sitting so this is a series on water. At the end of the series, you receive a free bonus visualization to help with water manifestation, free drinking water regimen.

The Water Diet

Have you heard of the water diet. . I have done some research on this water diet fast.  It’s drinking water to lose weight for 14-30 days. Nothing else is eaten, and no other liquid other than water is taken. This diet and/or fast usually takes place for for about 2 weeks.

water fast

drinking water


The fasting tracker helps track your water fast progress. You can make friends with other people on the same water diet fast.  Certainly, drinking water to lose weight is working for some and they tell their stories.


A Water Diet Improves Your Health

  1. Water purifies the bodies system. It is simple to purify your body of toxins and fat through water. Because, it flushes your body system. Certainly, without drinking water the contents of your colon can dry out and are stuck, eventually causing constipation.
  2. Over eating or indulging is rare with a body full of water.
  3. When water is directing the  bodies functions, as opposed to sugar and starches, you’ll feel better.
  4. Water is instrumental in detoxification. It flushes toxins and waste from the body and transports nutrients to where they are needed.
  5. Water is a natural lubricant that softens stool and promotes evacuation of the bowels.

Drinking water to lose weight becomes unnecessary when you drink more than 64 ounces of water everyday. H20 has truly become a friend, and helps me listen deeper to my inner self. Water is a natural purifier.

Stay Hydrated with Drinking Water

See the Free Regimen (link above)

In the previous video you received a regimen for how and when to drink your water. As mentioned in our previous video drink water before bed, and upon wakening

Everyday water proves to be a gift that purifies. life must be simple if you want to hear your spirit guide.  And, water helps keep things simple. Sometimes we are looking for something complicated to be a purifier. Nevertheless, through water we are shown that simplicity purifies.

Did you know that when you get a headache drinking water could rid you of it? It is more likely that drinking water will get rid of the headache versus aspirins. Yet, commonly when a person gets ill it is more likely they reach for medicine, therapy, psychology rather than a glass of water.

  • Use water to balance and regulate your health.
  • Talk to drinking water, tell water what you desire and it will listen.

HOME: Water Series

Water Visualization Meditation

Water Visualization Meditation and Free Water Regimen

Water visualization meditation with a free water regimen for good health is found on this page. Water listens and is trying to tell you something. Water has been proven to be a liquid computer and you probably didn’t know its listening. The water inside your body is listening to your thoughts, and waiting for your command. Tell water what you desire for your body and it will listen.  When taking a closer look at water we learn that it also teaches us how to think clearly.  Consciousness is all around us.  Water is one more way to unlock the power of super consciousness.


30 Second Water Visualization

Imagine a pure light blue color flowing through your body. Pouring in from the top of your head like a stream, washing through your body and draining into the ground. Let your voice speak directly to the water, so that the heat of your breath touches the water, and say:

  • IAM the energy of this water
  • As I drink this water the universe is in action in me now
  • IAM the energy of the universe
  • I, and this water, am unlimited clear purified abundance
  • I trust universal source energy which is abundant purity
  • Water activates within me abundant super cell regeneration
  • I pay attention to the results and love the water I drink
  • With every sip of water a new reality is created
  • Thank you, IAM grateful and blessed

These are words that will bring you happiness over and over. 

Water is your friend.

A lot of my videos include free visualizations and manifestations that can be found by clicking the link in the description box. Usually a video is created for every page on my website. Most times every written word from the post cannot be included in the video.  There are quite a few bonuses that come with this water series.  I try to give free visualizations, and or decrees/prayers from my personal spiritual guide with every video. So, as promised see the description box and click the links for the free water visualization meditations direct from my spirit guide. Also, get free daily water regimen, and free apps to keep you on track with your water consumption.

A reminder that water listens to us, and simplicity brings answers. Much like water we must flow, ebb and bend with the earth to make spiritual changes.    I hope this information helped someone.  Talk to your water, and drink your water from a copper vessel. Be blessed at all times.
HOME: Water Series

Water Listens and Here's Why

Water Listens and Here’s Why

Water listens and is trying to tell you something. Water has been proven to be a liquid computer and you probably didn’t know its listening. The water inside your body is listening to your thoughts, and waiting for your command. Tell water what you desire for your body and it will listen.  When taking a closer look at water we learn that it also teaches us how to think clearly.  Consciousness is all around us.  Water is one more way to unlock the power of super consciousness.


Water Listens
Did you know that water listens? Did you also know that water talks back to you?

  • Your drinking water will send you thoughts and messages.
  • Sometimes your body is told to drink more water, go to the bathroom etc.
  • If don’t listen you may receive triggers or warnings such as getting overheated.

When you start getting lots of thoughts to drink more water, do it!

Talk to your drinking water.

  • Send the water you drink messages.
  • Give your drinking water direction and ask it to heal ailments.
  • Tell your water what you want it to do for your body.
  • Tell your water that you love, and appreciate its benefits before swallowing.

You will see immediate changes, in your body.  I have proven to myself that my drinking water can hear me.

At first, I was surprised by the exceptional results I received, after conducting my first little experiment with water.  I created a relationship with my drinking water, and started speaking to the water I drank.  It became evident immediately that it was helping me. Therefore, I performed another little experiment.  I stopped talking to my drinking water, and what I had asked my drinking water to fix within me.  Went back to its original condition. The poor conditions returned.  Talking to your drinking water works, please try it.

Importance of Water

Reasons Why Your Water Listens to You

Most of our bodies are made of water.

The DNA in our bodies lives in, and survives because of water.  Every living being with DNA needs water.

Let’s Take a Look at How Much Water Is in Our Body?

This will give us a hint as to why water and our body can speak to each other.

  • Our lungs are comprised of 83% water
  • Muscles and kidneys are made of 79%
  • Our brain and heart is 73% water
  • Skin 64 %
  • And our bones are composed of 31% water.

What is Water?

Water we are told is H2o.

2 hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule.

  • If you go through the math:
  • 2 hydrogen molecules (i.e. 100 liters of liquid hydrogen) actually weighs 7 keloies
  • 50 liters of liquid oxygen actually weighs 12 kelos and when mixed they have a combined weight or mass of 19 kelos and a volume of 150 liters
  • A volume of 150 liters of water actually has a mass of 150 kelos and so there is 131 kelos missing from the equation
  • We take for granted that combined 2 gases hydrogen and oxygen we come up with water, we are no longer taking things at face value and we are asking questions.
  • The reality is that we are made of 85% water, and DNA cannot live without this stuff that is not H20.

We really do not have any factual information to really go on.  The focus should be on stopping the untruths and helping each other in this age of information. If you believe this equation is incorrect please correct the analysis that has been found during my research.



So far water is amazing … why?  Because we are made of the stuff and Water can communicate with us.

The Benefits of Drinking Water Alone is Amazing

Here is what drinking water can do for you.

  • Help deliver hormones and neurotransmitters to your brain.
  • Regulate your body temperature.
  • Regenerate your blood and cells.
  • Moisturize joints, and support all of your body parts.
  • Assist digestion.
  • Acts as a shock absorbent for the spinal cord and brain.
  • Deliver oxygen to the body.
  • Obey your spoken word.
  • Convert food into energy.

In addition to the fact that it helps improve your circulation —which, disseminates  supplements all through your body — it additionally hydrates your skin cells to hold your normal energetic sparkle.


Water is your friend.

A lot of my videos include free visualizations and manifestations that can be found by clicking the link in the description box. Usually a video is created for every page on my website. Most times every written word from the post cannot be included in the video.  There are quite a few bonuses that come with this water series.  I try to give free visualizations, and or decrees/prayers from my personal spiritual guide with every video. So, as promised see the description box and click the links for the free water visualization/meditations direct from my spirit guide. Also, get free daily water regimen, and free apps to keep you on track with your water consumption.  

A reminder that water listens to us, and simplicity brings answers. Much like water we must flow, ebb and bend with the earth to make spiritual changes.    I hope this information helped someone.  Talk to your water, and drink your water from a copper vessel. Be blessed at all times.


Video Transcript: Welcome and how you doing. To all the magical beings visiting spirit fairie today. Water listens and is trying to tell you something. Water has been proven to be a liquid computer and you probably didn’t know its listening. The water inside your body is listening to your thoughts, and waiting for your command. Tell water what you desire for your body and it will listen. When taking a closer look at water we learn that it also teaches us how to think clearly. Consciousness is all around us. Water is one more way to unlock the power of super consciousness. Did you know that water listens? At first i was surprised by the exceptional results after speaking with and having a relationship with drinking water. It was evident I was in much better condition. therefore I performed another little experiment. I stopped talking to my drinking water and the next day my poor conditions returned. Talking to your drinking works. Please try it. Talk to your drinking water and send the water you drink messages. Tell your water what you want it to do for your body and send your drinking water love before you digest it and give your drinking water direction and ask it to heal your ailments. You will see immediate changes in your body. I have proven to myself that my drinking water can hear me. (clip) the fact that the molecular structure in water can be affected by our consciousness our intent and our sounds is extremely important. (end clip) Did you also know that water talks back to you? Your drinking water will send you thoughts and messages. Sometimes your body is told to drink more water, go to the bathroom etc. If don’t listen you may receive triggers or warnings such as getting overheated. When you start getting lots of thoughts to drink more water, do it! Reasons why your drinking water listens to you. Most of our bodies are made of water. Lets take a look at how much water is in our body. This will give us a hint as to why our body and water can speak to each other. Our lungs are comprised of 83% water, our muscles and kidneys are made of 79%, our brain and heart is 73% water, skin 64%, and our bones are composed of 31% water. Everything about our DNA consists of water. (clip) this is what it is okay…I said empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now, you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in the teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend. (end clip) So far water is amazing. Why? because we are made of the stuff. H2O, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. It is a part of every aspect of our being. And, water can relate to us. The benefits of drinking water alone is amazing. Here is what drinking water can do for you. Here is what drinking water can do for you. Help deliver hormones and neurotransmitters to your brain, Regulate your body temperature, Regenerate your blood and cells, Moisturize joints, and support all of your body parts, Assist digestion, Acts as a shock absorbent for the spinal cord and brain, Deliver oxygen to the body, Obey your spoken word, Convert food into energy. Water is your friend. A lot of my videos include free visualizations and manifestations that can be found by clicking the link in the description box. usually a detailed post is created with every video. Most times every written word from the post cannot be put into the video. There are quite a few bonuses that come with this water series. So see the description box and click the links for the free visualizations that are direct from my spirit guide. Also, the free daily water regimen as promised to you. Bye see you tomorrow.
HOME: Water Series

HOME: Water Series

Friday, October 11, 2019

Free Drinking Water Regimen

Free Drinking Water Regimen

Free drinking water regimen for good health is found on this page. Water listens and is trying to tell you something. Water has been proven to be a liquid computer and you probably didn’t know its listening. The water inside your body is listening to your thoughts, and waiting for your command. Tell water what you desire for your body and it will listen.  When taking a closer look at water we learn that it also teaches us how to think clearly.  Consciousness is all around us.  Water is one more way to unlock the power of super consciousness.


Drinking Water Regimen

Times and Instruction.

  1. Start by drinking water before bed.
  2. Bless your water and drink 30 ounces (approximately 4 cups) before sleeping. Four (4) cups may seem like a lot but it’s not. 
  3. Drink your water with a straw and you will drink more and faster in one sitting.
  4. In the beginning you will have to use the bathroom more often.  But it is worth it, do not stop because of rest room.
  5. Refill your copper container and bless the water.
  6. Leave it on your nightstand overnight.
Morning (the golden hours)
  1. First thing upon wakening, and after brushing your teeth, and rinsing well. Drink the 30 ounces of water in your copper container. 
  2. Refill your copper container and bless the water
  1. At lunch and before eating.
  2. Drink the 30 ounces of water in your copper container. 
  3. Refill your copper container and bless the water.


You will drink at least 30 ounces 3 times a day.  Additionally, apps can be found on your mobile device to help track your water consumption.  But, I have found this to be the easiest method. There is no waiting for the clock to strike. Simple to remember morning, noon, and night.  And, don’t forget your copper vessel, which helps make your words more productive.

The water inside your body is listening to your thoughts, and waiting for your command.  Let the water that you drink help you. Start sending your water messages.  Ask, it to do what ever you want for your body.  Water in return will talk back to you.

Water is your friend.

A reminder that water listens to us, and simplicity brings answers. Much like water we must flow, ebb and bend with the earth to make spiritual changes.  I hope this information helped someone.  Talk to your water, and drink your water from a copper vessel. Be blessed at all times.

A lot of my videos include free visualizations and manifestations that can be found by clicking the link in the description box. Usually a video is created for every page on my website. Most times every written word from the post cannot be included in the video.  There are quite a few bonuses that come with this water series.  I try to give free visualizations, and or decrees/prayers from my personal spiritual guide with every video. So, as promised see the description box and click the links for the free water visualization meditations direct from my spirit guide. Also, get free daily water regimen, and free apps to keep you on track with your water consumption.

HOME: Water Series

Unlocking the Secrets of Ritual Manifestation

Exploring the Power of Ritual Manifestation Discover the transformative practice of ritual manifestation and how it can help you achieve you...