Saturday, October 12, 2019

Best Water To Drink

Five Facts About Best Water To Drink.

The best water to drink here are five facts.  Water has been proven to be a liquid computer and you probably didn’t know its listening. The water inside your body is listening to your thoughts, and waiting for your command. Tell water what you desire for your body and it will listen.  When taking a closer look at water we learn that it also teaches us how to think clearly.  Consciousness is all around us.  Water is one more way to unlock the power of super consciousness,


Throughout this water diet series we are going to discuss the following about your drinking water:

Hey, we could not go over everything in one sitting so this is a series on water.   At the end of the series, you receive a free bonus visualization to help with water manifestation, free drinking water regimen.

Best Water to Drink

Distilled water is the best water to drink? Because, of the pollution, radiation, and chemicals in the air.  And, your own personal water distiller is the easiest way to achieve pure distilled water.  It has been said, that although store claims their water is distilled, it is not!  Now for 3 years have been drinking distilled, after drinking spring water prior.  Also, do not trust the chemicals in the sky, or the ground. The minerals that are missed from the earth by drinking distilled water, may and can come from other sources.

Drinking water filtration system

Distilled water is the closest you can get to true purified water.  This drinking water filtration system happens through a distilling process, much like precipitation. When you look into the distilling tank after your drinking water filtration system or distiller has cleaned it, you will see a lot of stuff you never expected. The tank will show you how much gook is in the tap water, or the spring water.  Heck, it will show you all gook in any water before it was distilled. The water filter distilling process uses the same condensation effect as raindrops.

In addition, two (2) years ago I became a vegetarian. Universal energy sent a stranger in the grocery store to discuss eating meat. A conversation I will never forget. Her meat story stopped a meat lover. And that is another video found on this channel.

Purifying the water within our bodies is easy, simple, natural, and essential.  It is not always possible to purify everything within us. We do not have control over most of what is sold in our stores.  Soon, Walmart and other large conglomerates such as Monsanto will be making all of our food choice decisions.  In addition, the seedlings are disappearing because a Monsanto and two other conglomerates own 50% of all the seeds on the planet. You have probably noticed much of the fruit you buy in your stores are missing the seeds. The seeds are missing because those conglomerates do not want you to have the natural seeds that they own.

However, our greater higher source is always listening, and bringing the best results according to our intent.  Lets all try to add something to the collective pot so that we can have a good discussion.  I leave you with my favorite quote from my beloved spirit guide “I don’t care about faces, personalities or clothes only the loving soul is real.” Be blessed at all times.

A reminder that water listens to us, and simplicity brings answers. Much like water we must flow, ebb and bend with the earth to make spiritual changes.    I hope this information helped someone.  Talk to your water, and drink your water from a copper vessel. Be blessed at all times.

HOME: Water Series

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